Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Permanent Record

One kindergartener punches another.  One is sent home "suspended" the other has no visible marks.  No big deal right?  So when I am told the story, it sounds plausible.  The wife adds; "it will go on the other kid's permanent record."  Since it isn't my son's record we are talking about, I don't know the true meaning, but I am curious.  In addition, we are talking about kindergarten of all things.  I am convinced that when the other child is applying to college, the schools arent going to give a rats ass what occurred in kindergarten.

"Hmmm, I see here that you have a perfect score on your SATs and, oh my... you punched a boy 13 years ago.  We won't be admitting you to this school!"

What is the reality here?  The other kid was suspended the week before Christmas.  What is he really missing?  Some movies and coloring time.