Wednesday, November 12, 2008

If it wasnt for my checking...

You know when your spouse says they are going to do something or tells you they HAVE done something and then you find out otherwise, it just irks the crap out of you.

Yesterday I changed the air filter in the attic. Not a terribly difficult job because its kinda cool to poke around the attic but at the same time, the attic has insulation that can itch like crazy. So while I replace the upstairs one, the wife says she took care of the basement one. Great! Well today I am looking for an air pump to fill up Eli's new soccer ball (appropriate size 3) and the basement AC kicks on. It sounds rather loud and upon closer look, the door to the AC filter wasnt put on correctly.

However unsurprised I am pails in comparisson to the agitation that would have resulted 3 months from now when I discover that the filter hadnt been on right for the past 3 months. Of course I am the only one that this would bother because mediocrity is embraced by everyone around here but me.

Why is it such a chore to aim for perfection, or better yet, aim to get the job done right the first time.